

Rats have invaded the Lagos State Government Secretariat, Alausa, Ikeja, Southwest Nigeria, forcing the government to ban workers from eating and trading in their offices.
The government lamented the high rate at which rats had invaded offices within the secretariat, attributing it to eating in offices by civil servants who normally leave behind remnants of food for rats to feast on.

“It has been observed with grave concern the rising case of rat infestation of offices leading to the destruction of office equipment, files and other official materials. The rat infestation has been traced to indiscriminate disposal of food remnants in the offices,” says Head of Service, HOS, Adesegun Ogunlewe.
He said to worsen the situation, some officers had cultivated the habit of leaving their office waste paper baskets, particles and remnants of food eaten in their offices after the close of work, which attract rats.
“To curb this unwholesome practice, it has become expedient to reiterate that eating of food will no longer be tolerated in offices. Officers are henceforth enjoined to eat in the staff canteen and other similar facilities provided,” said Ogunlewe in a circular signed on his behalf by the Permanent Secretary, Public Service Office, L.A.D. Abari.
The circular added that it had also come to the attention of government that despite repeated warnings, some members of staff still encourage trading in government offices and premises.
“This is contrary to the provisions of the Civil Service Rule No. 04501 (iv) which makes it an offence for any officer to trade or encourage trading in government offices. It is appropriate to stress that violation of this rule may attract dismissal among other punishments,” he stated.
“It is hereby emphasised that trading of any kind, either by officers or hawkers in government offices will no longer be tolerated.
“Apart from arresting such hawkers and their accomplices, the wares shall be confiscated while the patronising officers shall be sanctioned accordingly,” the circular stated.

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