

Some youths, under the umbrella of the National Youth Movement for the Removal of Fuel Subsidy, on Tuesday, held a peaceful protest against the Farouk Lawan-led committee's report on the petroleum subsidy fund management.
The youths, who said the protest was against “falsehood” in the report submitted to the House of Representative by the committee, marched through the streets of Abuja to the National Assembly where security officers denied them access into the complex.
Jubril Umar, one of the youths who spoke to Daily Times, said: “We are not happy with the content of the report because there are a lot of lies and sentiments in it. The committee, instead of doing a proper job, used it to settle political and personal differences, as most of the people indicted were indicted wrongly.”
The protesters called on the House to reject the committee's report, asking for another investigation which will be "unbiased and balanced".

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