

Laxmi Sargara had her arranged child marriage quashed in what is thought to be the first case of its kind in India.
The 18-year-old wed ex-husband Rakesh, 20, when he was just three in the northern state of Rajasthan.
She only found out about the marriage THIS MONTH when her in-laws showed up to take her away.
She grew up with her family but was oblivious to the arrangement.
Child marriages are illegal in India but still common in rural areas.
Laxmi said: “I was unhappy about the marriage. I told my parents who did not agree with me, then I sought help.
“Now I am mentally relaxed and my family members are also with me.”
She went for help to the Sarathi Trust in Jodhpur which campaigns against enforced child marriages.
Bos Kriti Bharti said: “She did not like the boy and was not ready to go ahead with her parents' decision so she decided to refuse this marriage.
“It is the first example we know of a couple wed in childhood wanting the marriage to be annulled, and we hope that others take inspiration from it.”
Rakesh, who only has a first name, initially wanted to stay married but after counselling, relented. Both signed an affidavit declaring it null and void.

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