

A Nigerian young man who allegedly carried out two sex attacks on women he met in a Cambridge nightclub has been jailed.

Anthony Iyare, 29, attacked a woman in the toilets of the Fez Club in May, a year after sexually assaulting a woman he had met at the same club.

Iyare,  who used his widowed mother's savings to study in Cambridge,  England will be deported after he was convicted of sexually assaulting two young women.

According to Cambridge Press:

In the first incident in the early hours of May 20 2010, Iyare, of Walpole Road, Cambridge, and some of his friends went back to an address in Cambourne with the 21-year-old woman and her friend after pestering them in the club.

He sexually assaulted her after she fell asleep.

A year later, in the early hours of May 28, Iyare followed an 18-year-old woman into a toilet cubicle in the club before sexually assaulting her.

She managed to get past him and told a friend.

Security staff alerted police and Iyare was arrested.

He denied sexual assault and attempted rape.

He was, however, convicted of the first attack and found guilty of an alternative charge of sexual assault for the second after the jury were hung on the attempted rape charge following a trial at Cambridge Crown Court.

He was jailed for a total of four years on Wednesday which included three months for a separate affray charge. The judge ordered he be deported back to Nigeria after serving half the sentence.

The investigation was carried out by Detective Constables Emma Beart and Paul Evans.

DC Evans said: "Iyare pursued both victims despite them asking him to leave them alone.

"This has been a long investigation and we are pleased he has now been brought to justice and a dangerous man is now behind bars.

"I would like to thank both the victims for their courage and determination throughout the investigation and trial, and also their friends and family who have shown great support throughout their ordeal."

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