

Twin sisters Danielle and Nicole Fisher who were born 12 minutes apart and have  shared nearly everything since growing up, now have another thing in common which will form part of their heart warming story.
On Tuesday night December 20, the 23-year-old sisters each gave birth to their first child in adjacent rooms at the hospital.
The boys were born 13 minutes apart. 

Nicole explains the seemingly unbelievable story as something only twins can fully understand.
“I just think it’s the twin thing,” she said Wednesday as the pair rehashed the improbable events with their mother and the boys’ fathers in her hospital room. “It just has something to do with that twin communication.”
Danielle, who was due last week, gave birth to Jonathan at 7:43 p.m. Minutes later, Nicole, who wasn’t due for two weeks, delivered Maximus.
“It was unbelievable,” the twins’ mother, Lisa Fisher, said Wednesday.
Danielle and Nicole insist there was no secret pact to plan for a child at the same time.
Danielle and her boyfriend, Corey Flanigan, broke the news to the family first that Danielle was pregnant. When Nicole and her boyfriend, Greg Woodman, found out weeks later that they, too, were expecting, they decided to keep the news under wraps for several months.
“I couldn’t believe it,” Danielle said of when she learned her sister also was pregnant.
Danielle said she was also excited at the prospects of the two boys being able to grow up and play together.
Having each other for support through the pregnancy was also a bonus, the sisters said.
They laughed Wednesday remembering one morning when they both got sick riding in a car together.
“Who gets to go through something like this with your twin sister?” Danielle said. “We have done everything together our whole lives.”
The twins grew up with the same friends and share every birthday party. Once when they were younger, Danielle was injured at school and had to go the hospital. The following morning, Nicole woke up and had the same stiff neck as her sister.
But with their due dates weeks apart, even the sisters didn’t think it would be possible to have their children much closer than two weeks apart.
Past her due date, Danielle was induced Monday and began going into labor Tuesday. Out of nowhere, Nicole’s water broke Tuesday and both sisters soon found themselves at the hospital together.
“I was just shocked,” Danielle said of learning Nicole was in the hospital as well.
While Danielle had been in labor for more than 20 hours, Nicole’s delivery happened in less than 20 minutes.
The deliveries were a blur for Lisa Fisher as she ran back and forth between her two daughters’ rooms giving the twins updates on each other’s progress.
“I’m telling her, ‘Your sister is ready too,’ ” she said.
Life together will continue for Danielle and Nicole as they are living together with their parents in Clementon. And the twins insist they don’t mind sharing the spotlight with their children.
“By now we’re kind of used to it,” Nicole said.

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