

Zimbabwean President, Mugabe, has put his signature on a new fashion label in his bid to reach out to young voters.
The R.G Mugabe label from the House of Gushungo was launched recently by Zimbabwean company, Yedu Nesu Holdings.

The label will feature both men's wear and women's wear; formal clothes, t-shirts, winter wear, golf t-shirts, jackets and caps and other clothing items that will have Mugabe’s signature embedded on them.
Dr. Nicholas Munyonga, House of Gushungo Chairperson, said the range was created to honour Mugabe after three decades of power.
"We decided to come up with something that is long lasting. something that will last forever and in honour of the our President," he said.
The clothing line is said to be contemporary, modern, comfortable and very stylish. It is also intended to redefine Zimbabwe's fashion industry which is mainly dominated by foreign clothing labels.
The 87-year-old Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe since its independence in 1980.
He lost the first round of the last presidential election to Morgan Tsvangirai but later claimed victory in a controversial run-off poll from which Tsvangirai withdrew.
Mugabe was just re-elected Zanu-PF leader and told the organisation's annual conference he planned to call new elections next year.
However, Zanu-PF leaders are reportedly worried that Mugabe's advancing years could count against him at the polls.

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